(for house of soda slideshow)
Coca Cola Painted on Store With a Woman on a Bench, November 2015

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Set 1- 2007 to 2013, 35 photos:

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Set 2- 2013 to 2015, 7 photos:

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Coca Cola logos are very dominant in the Philippine landscape. I chose to photograph them because they’re very distinctive, and while I know other countries also have Coke ads, I don’t think they’re anywhere as pervasive as the Coke banners, streamers, metal signs, tarps, posters, logo placements beside store names as I see here in the Philippines.

I’ve also included a few photos of houses adorned with the logos of other soda companies. But Coke’s is really the most popular.

This series’s photos span from 2007-2015. These were shot in many different places. You could just walk into any random street and spend half a day shooting and probably get 20 Coke shots, but I wanted to make a set of varied Coca Cola houses from different places over a long period of time.

Click here to read the accompanying essay.


  1. Menchu

    Consider sending these coke shots to coke…they may pay you for them:)

  2. Yach

    Your photos bring a focus to these Coke ads. They’re so ubiquitous that they somehow just blend into the environment.

    I like how some are just hand-painted. Very back-to-basics for such a global brand. They have so much local flavour that they become art.

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