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These are photos of places that have changed over time (whether in a span of months or years). Photos are presented as a pair.
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San Juan Municipal Slaughterhouse, Taken Four Years Apart- 2007 and 2011
Street Side Grotto Four Years Apart San Miguel, Manila, Philippines- 2009 and 2013
Hand Painted No Loitering Sign on Concrete Wall Taken Six Years Apart. 2007 Version Says: “No Selling, No Stand by Here” 2013 Is More Concise: “No Standby and Vendors”
Aurora Boulevard Graffiti Side Street of Aurora Boulevard, Philippines, February and August 2013
Aurora Boulevard Graffiti, Side Street of Aurora Boulevard, Philippines, September and October 2013
Aurora Boulevard Graffiti, November 2014
Aurora Boulevard Graffiti, May 2015
7 photos.