I was in Shanghai for a few days this April. Wherever I go, I try to document the local graffiti and street art, but strangely, I didn’t see any this trip.
Skip to: Trades | A Shanghai Minute | People | Weird Products of China | Architecture | Transportation | Pay Phones | Maps

Despite the ultramodern steel and glass structures multiplying by the hundreds every year, Shanghai still has a lot of vendors that ply their crafts and wares on the street.
The key duplicator stall in my A Shanghai Minute section below wouldn’t look out of place at all where I live in the Philippines.
Here are two short video clips of such old school tradesmen:
Roadside bicycle repair: 11 seconds
Rice Krispie maker: 13 seconds
A Shanghai minute
13 photos
10 photos
The majority of the tourists I met used their mobile phones to take photos. Death knell for the camera industry?
7 photos
Products of China
China is not currently known as the factory of the world for nothing. Here are some strange Made in China products that you won’t find anywhere else. Like this mini electric fan. It comes in both lightning and micro USB ports and can plug in your iOS or Android devices.
5 photos – Click thumbnails to zoom in
Shanghai architecture
16 photos
9 photos
Most of the scooters I saw in Shanghai of the electric variety. They’re either e-bikes or full sized scooters fitted with 48v batteries. Made the streets much quieter than a typical street in Taipei City for example, where most people ride petrol based scooters.
8 seconds
Pay Phones
4 photos
Click here to see more photos from my trip on Flickr.