I went to the northern tip of the Philippines for a weekend in August 2015.*

Got to Vigan, Ilocos Sur just before sunrise. It was pitch black except for a Frank’s stall, where I grabbed a hotdog, and then had a second meal after walking around looking at the well preserved classical Filipino architecture. My second meal was a Filipino breakfast with Vigan longganisa. These are my some of favorite kinds of sausages, typical Filipino longganisa is sweet, but these are salty.
13 photos in this slideshow. click left and right arrows to navigate.
I was even able to make some additions to my ongoing No Parking photo project in Vigan. Click here to view map of the route from the point of origin to Vigan.
This photo meanwhile, combines two of my long term photo projects: No Parking Signs in the Philippines and Coca Cola houses.
Next stop was Bangui, Ilocos Norte. The famous windmills were situated on an empty stretch of beach. Aside from 5 stalls selling some souvenirs for tourists, there was nobody else for miles around.
(25 second video clip)
Click here to view map of the route from Vigan to Bangui.
Afterwards, went even more north to Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte and checked into Pannzian Beach Resort. It’s a cozy and affordable place with lots of good, healthy food.
14 photos in this slideshow. click left and right arrows to navigate.
Lounged around the beach the morning after, then headed to Paoay to check out the sand dunes. Click here to view map of the route from Pagudpud to Paoay.
8 photos in this slideshow. click left and right arrows to navigate.
Spotted this interesting sign while leaving the sand dunes. I like its font, and the name’s mysterious rustic feel which doesn’t give you a clue what the place is about.
Note: I didn’t bring my camera for this trip, so all these photos were shot with a cameraphone.
Click here to see more photos from this trip on Flickr.
*I didn’t go to Pagudpud directly. Stopped over in Vigan first.